First Impressions

First Impressions
by Swapna Sai // September 9 // 0 Comments

What Are First Impressions In General?

First Impressions are impressions that strangers form of you within the first 3 to 5 seconds of meeting you. Some call them snapshots or polaroids; some call them thin slices, yet others say it’s judging the book by its cover.

It just takes a few seconds to form the First Impression. These few seconds become the base of any communication between the two people/parties, which may become a crucial point for your success.  

The First Impression is an automatic response of a person, by just looking at you the other person will unknowingly judge your 

  • Personality
  • Authority 
  • Intelligence
  • Financial Success 
  • Trustworthiness 
  • Candidature for a job or a promotion

Few Seconds For First Impression – Few Seconds to Success.

Think about it – we remember what we see, but forget what we hear. The basic nature of Human memory is photographic. Not only are First Impressions quick to form, but they also last forever. Whether or not you are aware of it, you have some facets on display at any given point.

The 4 Elements that can help create positive First Impressions are

  1. Clothing
  2. Grooming
  3. Body Language including Etiquette and 
  4. Vocal Communication

When used judiciously, they help you project the right image and thereby create powerful First Impressions.


The effectiveness of Words plays only a 7% role in communication. The tone of Voice Plays a 38% role in Communication. Major Body Language – 55% role in Communication.

Although we all carry certain skills, abilities and experiences the people we meet often judge us by what meets the eye. They decide everything about us based on our visual communication which consists of clothing, grooming and body language including etiquette. Image management is expertise in visual communication which you may not realise but is almost 80% of any communication, any message.


While everyone wants to become more successful in personal, professional and social life, most people do not understand the basics of success. 

Success is all about two things happening simultaneously. Getting a chance, an opportunity to do something and then performing when the opportunity comes along.

As opposed to hard skills, which represent education and technical knowledge, soft skills are people skills. In today’s world to be successful, soft skills are essential as no matter what you do it involves dealing with people.

A key aspect differentiating the good from the best is an individual’s knowledge and application of soft skills. Coupled with the hard skills (knowledge about their job, education etc.), these skills can help an individual enhance their productivity.

How you see yourself, that’s how you dress and groom. If you think you are important, you will take time for yourself. The way you dress and groom has an impact on the way you think, feel and act. The days when you dress nicely, you are more happier and confident. You feel like interacting more with others. Depending upon your behaviour, others either react or respond towards you. 

Many capable men and women lose opportunities because they do not look like their role.

How do we Enhance our First Impressions?

  • Your attitude plays an important role in projecting the right impressions. No amount of knowledge and skills will help you if you don’t have the right attitude
  • Rely on clothing as a resource, a tool that you can control and use to help meet your needs and achieve your goals
  • Dress and behave according to the roles you play, the occasion, the activity and the goals you have
  • Appropriate in terms of the message, that needs to be conveyed to others in a specific situation. Appropriate when one needs to wear clothes which will send this message
  • Appropriate in terms of clothing based on roles, and goals
  • Be Authentic to yourself. Reflect on your personality and values. Do not copy others. Just work up on becoming the best version of yourself
  • Be Attractive. Wear what suits you. It is not necessary to follow trends or your peers if it is not what you can carry with confidence. Do not try to impress others, work on impressing yourself.

Dress, Behave and Communicate according to the LOC rule.

Location: Where you are? 

Occasion: What is the occasion? 

Company: In whose company you are?

Wishing you a Happy and Purposeful life!

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I help people achieve desirable outcome,
by improving their Attitude, Appearance, Behaviour, and Communication skills through Image Management and Soft Skills Coaching - an art of developing inner strengths as well as reflecting them on the outside.
