Attitude Part 2

Ttips to build a winning attitude
by Swapna Sai // September 18 // 0 Comments

*The Missing Goat “Goat no 3” is a wonderful story*

It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small town near Toronto in Canada. Two school-going friends had a crazy idea.

They rounded up three goats from the neighbourhood and painted the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on their sides.

That night they let the goats loose inside their school building. 

The next morning when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong.

They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance 

and realised that some goats had entered the building.

A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found.

But the authorities were worried, where was goat No.3? They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3.

The school declared classes off for the students for the rest of the day. The teachers, helpers, guards, canteen staff, and boys were all busy looking for goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found.

Simply because it did not exist.

Those among us who in spite of having a good life are always feeling a “lack of fulfilment” are actually looking for the elusive, missing, non-existent Goat No.3.

Whatever the area of complaint or dissatisfaction, relationship, job satisfaction, finance, achievements, and the absence of something is always larger than the presence of many other things.

Many times we fight for those things in our life that we can not change and waste our productivity

If you are sad, or depressed you are living in the past.

If you are stressed, or anxious you are living in the future.

If you are happy and peaceful you are living in the present. People who live in the present have beautiful serene smiles on their faces. A smile that radiates from their heart.

Let’s Stop worrying about goat No.3 and enjoy life. Life would be so much happier without the worries.

And don’t let the non-existent imaginary goat number 3 waste your time and happiness. Enjoy life with what you have.

🐐🐐  ? 🐐

Karma is the seed. What you are going to make out of this seed is up to you. A large part of gardening is, in fact, just removing the weeds from the garden.

“The mind needs to be gardened, too. Our emotional lives are complex and need constant tending and reworking. The form this takes will be different for each one of us but fundamentally, in order to counteract negative and self-destructive forces, we need to cultivate a caring and creative attitude. Above all, we need to recognise what nourishes us”. Sue Stuart-Smith

A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, thoughts, speeches and actions. Be mindful of your thoughts.

A few tips to build a winning attitude:

  • The first recipe for happiness is to avoid dwelling on the past for too long
  • Dump your worries
  • Don’t compare your life with others, you don’t know what they are actually going through. Don’t let your time and energy leak due to time spent on social media, overthinking, and meaningless relationships.
  • Practice acceptance. Acceptance means being okay with whatever the outcome is. If you want to change, make it happen. If you can’t change it, accept it. And if you can’t accept it, leave it. Stay Inspired.
  • Meditate on Serenity prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
  • Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • Wish less, Work more
  • Find your focus by seeking all that is good in your life – Lorii Myers
  • We are all on earth only for our allotted span, so let us find comfort and meaning in everyday life’s small, simple joys.

Attractiveness and magnetism of your personality are the results of your inner radiance. Yajur Ved

Wishing you a Happy, Purposeful and Radiant life!

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I help people achieve desirable outcome,
by improving their Attitude, Appearance, Behaviour, and Communication skills through Image Management and Soft Skills Coaching - an art of developing inner strengths as well as reflecting them on the outside.
